NEW! Miniature stainless steel push-in fittings 5950 series

We have added a brand new series of miniature pneumatic push-in fittings in AISI 316L stainless steel to our range. The special feature of this new 5950 series (compared to the usual 5800X series) is its reduced overall dimensions.
Designed for applications in the chemical and food industries, our 5950 series fittings have a vacuum resistance of -0.99 bar and a pressure resistance of up to 18 bar.
In addition, the Viton (FKM) seals present can withstand temperatures between -20°C and +150°C.
We have endeavoured to provide the most comprehensive range possible, including: straight male tapered fittings, straight female cylindrical fittings, male tapered and cylindrical swivel brackets, male tapered and cylindrical swivel T-fittings and connecting fittings: straight double equal, equal brackets, equal T-fittings...
Prices, availability, technical information and 3D are available by creating a website account.
Please find directly our technical documentation on 5950 series fittings here: 5950 - Miniature stainless steel push-in fittings (